報 告 人:北京科技大學 ??得窠淌?/span>、博士生導師
報告時間:2024年11月29日(周五) 上午10點
??得?/span>,北京科技大學教授、佐治亞理工大學 Georgia Institute of Technology 航空工程博士、博導、北科杰出學者、國家特聘專家;現(xiàn)任北科大復合材料結構工程中心主任;此前任西門子公司院士工程師,負責新一代大型燃氣輪機葉片完整性和壽命方法包括高性能碳纖維樹脂基復合材料和陶瓷基復合材料結構。曾任美國波音公司機體結構實驗室結構技術負責人,作為波音民用飛機集團復合材料結構資深專家參與了最新型777X、787夢想飛機機翼和機身結構的設計、分析與試驗。主導確立公司非線性有限元模型分析方法。
The successful development of all composite structure aircraft, for example well known Boeing's 787 and Airbus's A350 aircrafts, represents a revolutionary breakthrough in composite material technology. However, it is well recognized that the compressive strength of advanced resin-based composites is much lower than the tensile strength. The higher the fiber strength property, the greater the gap. The low compressive strength of high-performance carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) composites has been an issue in the companying composites industry for decades. K Niu and R Talreja (2000) proposed a resin controlled yield criterion for the compressive failure of unidirectional fiber composites, which turned out to be in a very simple expression as the rule of mixtures for axial compression. The rule of mixtures is illustrated to show compressive failure of a fiber composite in this presentation.